ALL-BALL WEEKEND IS two days of events to benefit Shepherd’s Way! Visit the Events + Tickets page to find out how to join us at Chester’s Chophouse, Crown Uptown featuring Tim Tebow, Flint Hills National, and Riverfront Stadium! Each event features some of our Local Legends and Friends, with various opportunities to meet, get an autograph or photograph, and see many of them play in the ALL-BALL game on Saturday afternoon with our Shepherd’s Way participants. Two teams - one mission!

*not all Local Legends and Friends will be in attendance at all events

MONEY RAISED GOES DIRECTLY TO Shepherd’s Way and its mission to transform the landscape of employment, independence, dignity, and purpose for young adults and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

JOIN US at one or all of the four scheduled events!

Learn more

2024 Commissioners

Com·​mis·​sion·​er : one who endorses a special event, assists in promotion, a super fan of Shepherd’s Way.

Ryan & Alicia Baty

Walter & Polly Berry

Andy & Greta Biggs

Tom & Debi Davis

Ron & Tracy Draper

Tim & Tracy Farrell

PJ & Stephanie Forbes

JJ & Corey Johnson

Chris & Michelle Majors

David & Susan May 

Jay & Joy Miller

Nate & Kristin Robertson

Gene & Jana Stephenson

Jim & Terri (Cusick) Wetta 

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